Rob Rausch lectures at Continuing Legal Education program

On April 28, 2017, Rob Rausch lectured at a New York State Bar Association – sponsored continuing legal education program regarding “Auto & Truck Claims, Accidents, and Litigation”.  Rob spoke on the topic of “Evaluating Damages and Use of Biomechanical Experts”.  Biomechanical engineering is a unique field of expertise, combining principles of physics and medicine, and is used to determine whether the forces exerted on the body in a particular accident are sufficient to cause injury.  Rob discussed the history of such experts and the manner in which such reviews are conducted, and offered practical advise for successful use of such theories at trial.  Rob has successfully presented such experts in defense of claims, and helped establish the prevailing appellate law on this topic.

Rob is a member of the New York State Bar Association and is a past president of the Capital District Trial Lawyers Association.